Monday, October 13, 2008

How to Defend Against a Two Handed Front Choke Using Tai Chi Chuan

Step 1:
Let your body go limp in response to your opponent’s attack. A person’s natural inclination is to pull back when they are being choked, so your opponent will be pulling toward you in unconscious compensation for this. By going limp you are giving yourself a moment where your attacker is temporarily off balance.

Step 2:
Raise your left arm straight up above your head and keep your right arm down by your side.

Step 3:
Bring the flat of your lower left forearm down atop your attacker’s elbow from outside of his arms. Simultaneously thread your right arm up inside the range of your attacker’s other arm to extend your palm against the left side of your attacker’s head. By doing this quickly you force your attacker to bend to his right from the waist, this pulls him off his center of balance and puts him in danger. From this point you have two choices depending on whether you feel your life is really in jeopardy or not. Step 4 outlines the non-violent way to break out of the chokehold. Step 5 outlines the way to break out of the chokehold and incapacitate your opponent.

Step 4:
Turn your right foot inward and push off with it while twist to your left at the waist. Clamp your right hand against the side of your opponent’s head while pulling his right arm outward with your left had, and turn to the left to force your attacker to the floor, breaking his hold.

Step 5:
Grab your attacker around the back of the neck using your right hand while clamping onto the joint of his right elbow with your left hand. Take a step back with your left foot and pull your attacker forward and down. He should bend at the waist. As he does so rear back with your right leg and drive your knee forward and up directly into your attacker’s lowered face. This defensive strike has the capacity to do serious and life threatening damage. Don’t use it lightly.

Tips & Warnings
Practicing in front of the mirror can help perfect your form. This is actually an adaptation of the brushing knee movement.

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