Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Using The Chakra: Closing The Chakra

Chakra is a term literally meaning “circle” in the original Sanskrit language in which the concept was first established. Since then this term and its meaning has been interpreted in different fashions by a number of cultures. It may refer to a circle of people, a continuous flow of power or “Shakti” as it is referred to in the texts of the Hindu religion, or different nerve plexi within the body in accordance with western science and medicine.

There are seven major chakra points in the body, with an indeterminate number of minor chakra points which is still being debated. The major chakra points are positioned on a vertical plane down the midline of the body. Some are closer to the center of the body and some are nearer to the front, while others are located in the spine itself. Recently several radical spiritualist groups largely in North America have come to believe that the powers of the chakra can be called upon or “tapped” in order to accomplish great feats of physical and spiritual strength and ability.

This tapping of the chakras is accomplished by focusing on the physical placement of the chakra while using a mudra. A mudra is a certain configuration of the hands or a hand gesture combined with a resonation in the throat which opens up and sends energy to a specific chakra. The chakras open and close naturally throughout a person’s daily cycle dependent on factors such as a person’s mental, physical, and spiritual state. By using the mudras one is effectively dilating one or multiple chakras to maximize energy flow. There are techniques other than the mudras which open all the chakras simultaneously in order to improve overall health, though by concentrating energy into fewer chakras one increases the strength of these particular chakras to a level much higher than could be obtained otherwise. Conversely because one is putting energy through only a few chakra, one is encouraging an imbalance in the chakras which could damage overall energy flow at a later point. This would result in weakness of the internal organs and susceptibility to various disorders and diseases as well as generalized fatigue.

This only becomes a danger if one neglects to close the chakras that have been opened after one is finished making use of the increased energy flow. They should only be opened to such an extent for a few hours at a time. Now when closing the chakras is mentioned, it is not meant that energy flow through the chakras cease, as that would be just as damaging as keeping them entirely open. What is actually meant is that the chakras be returned to a natural state. Regardless of what chakra/s has been opened, only one exercise need be completed to “close” or return them to their normal condition.

To close your chakra you must close your eyes and use your mind’s eye to visualize the white light of the Sahasrara at the crown of your skull. Place your hands over the light and cup it, carry it. Start by bringing the white light to the forehead where the Ajna shines. Cup your hands over the Ajna and press the white light against it until the Ajna flickers like the flame of a candle. Do not snuff it though, as that would be closing off your chakra entirely. Repeat this gesture for each of the other chakras, ferrying light from the Sahasrara to the Visuddha at the base of the throat, the Anahata at the center of the chest, the Manipura at the solar plexus, the Svadhisthana at the base of the spine, and the Muladhara over the genitals. If you find physical movement makes visualization difficult, then feel free to move the light around the other chakras in any way that is comfortable for you. With your chakras safely closed you are now free to go about your business without worry.

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